The Biggest Mistake You Can Make in Design…

Have there been times in your design career where you’ve questioned your style…

Whatever your style is own it to the fullest, no matter what!

Never be afraid to push and go for something outside of the box even if its not other peoples cup of tea!

whether your styles is all neutral or only modern or solely color… whatever it may be don’t be afraid to be different!

stick to to your style and don’t be swayed by trends.

I remember throughout collage in my design program I constantly battled with my design style. I always worried “what if my designs are too much” and “what if my style isn’t something that other will like” ! there were many times I tried to form my design style to what I thought others would like! Over time I’ve realized there truly is no way you can please everyone, everyone has a unique style and taste, and to just be confidence and courageous to be yourself!

I am colorful, bold, bright, funky, and im proud of it! I’ve learned the best designers are the ones who are 100% themselves! They are confident in who they are and help build the confidence of those around them! If you are struggling in your design style I encourage you to go out there and create things that you love and do it with confidence!


A Bold & Bright Birthday!


Eucalyptus Bridal Shower